Selected service
Advisory Committee of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas. Member since 2023.
ICES working group on MPAs and OECMs. Co-chair since 2022. [webpage]
Ocean advisor to CNRS since 2021. [webpage]
Conseil National de la Mer et des Littoraux. Member since 2022.
Conseil National de la Proteciton de la Nature. Member since 2021.
CNRS-CRIOBE. Senior Researcher since 2018. [webpage]
Ocean and Climate Platform scientific committee. President since 2018, Member since 2016. [webpage]
High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, Expert group member. [webpage]
Fondation de la Mer, scientific committee member, since 2019. [webpage]
MedPAN scientific committee. President since 2012, Member since 2010. [webpage]
Blue Parks scientific committee. Member since 2017. [webpage]
Parc National des Calanques scientific committee. Member since 2012. [webpage]
GIS Posidonie scientific committee. Member since 2010. [webpage]
CNRS-CRIOBE. Researcher. 2010-2018. [webpage]
PISCO booklet on the Science of Marine Reserves. Scientific Advisor for the European and Mediterranean versions. [webpage]
IPBES Europe-Central Asia and Asia-Pacific regional assessments. Lead Author. [webpage]
F1000 Research. Advisory Board Member. [webpage]
Cambridge university Press, The Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation series. Editorial Board Member
Advisory Committee of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas. Member since 2023.
ICES working group on MPAs and OECMs. Co-chair since 2022. [webpage]
Ocean advisor to CNRS since 2021. [webpage]
Conseil National de la Mer et des Littoraux. Member since 2022.
Conseil National de la Proteciton de la Nature. Member since 2021.
CNRS-CRIOBE. Senior Researcher since 2018. [webpage]
Ocean and Climate Platform scientific committee. President since 2018, Member since 2016. [webpage]
High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, Expert group member. [webpage]
Fondation de la Mer, scientific committee member, since 2019. [webpage]
MedPAN scientific committee. President since 2012, Member since 2010. [webpage]
Blue Parks scientific committee. Member since 2017. [webpage]
Parc National des Calanques scientific committee. Member since 2012. [webpage]
GIS Posidonie scientific committee. Member since 2010. [webpage]
CNRS-CRIOBE. Researcher. 2010-2018. [webpage]
PISCO booklet on the Science of Marine Reserves. Scientific Advisor for the European and Mediterranean versions. [webpage]
IPBES Europe-Central Asia and Asia-Pacific regional assessments. Lead Author. [webpage]
F1000 Research. Advisory Board Member. [webpage]
Cambridge university Press, The Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation series. Editorial Board Member
Selected invited talks and seminars
Keynote speaker: L’océan, un bien commun de l’humanité à protégér ?. Journée des entrants CNRS, 5 juin 2023, Paris, France.
Keynote speaker: The seven domains of ocean sustainability. IMBeR Scientific Steering Committee Meeting, April 5 2023, Paris, France.
Keynote speaker: Avoiding the misuse of Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures in the wake of the blue economy, Fuller Symposium, November 3rd 2022.
Keynote speaker: MPAs for sustainability: From multi-zone to multi-level of protection. Western Mediterranean MPAs Conference, Palma October 27-28 2022
Keynote speaker: Une Planète, Un Océan : quels enjeux pour la conservation de la biodiversité dans les 10 ans à venir. Leçon inaugurale du cycle grands enjeux du développement durable de PSL, August 082022, Paris, France.
Keynote speaker: Accelerating Ocean Conservation and Regenerative Blue Economic Development in the WIO. UN Ocean, June 06 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
Keynote speaker: How MPAs can best contribute to fisheries sustainability. EU DG MARE Seminar of Fisheries Science. June 1 2021, Brussels, Belgium.
Keynote speaker: One Planet, One Ocean: what is at stake for the decade to come. IRBIM Annual Conference, Ancona, Italy, and online, 9-10 December 2020.
Invited Seminar: 2020 and then what? … or how to do better with (what we think) we already have. Sustainable oceans for the future: a call for a green blue deal. European Parliament, 29 January 2020, Brussels, Belgium.
Keynote speaker: 2020 et après ? Ou comment protéger efficacement l'océan. Colloque de la Task Force Océan du CNRS. 27-29 January 2020, Paris, France.
Keynote speaker: Etre ou ne pas être une AMP ?… ou pourquoi la protection forte doit être intégrale ou haute. 4ème colloque national des AMP, 22-24 octobre 2019, Biarritz, France.
Invited Seminar: Impact of climate change on fisheries and the sustainability of small island nations. Enhancing a Maritime Cooperative Relationship between France and Japan. 13-14 December 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
Keynote speaker: 10% de couverture et après ? Où quelques arbres efficaces cachent une forêt d’AMP non protégées. Protections renforcées : cartes sur table, 5-6 décembre 2018, Banyuls-sur-Mer, France.
Keynote speaker: 10% cover and then what? A few effective trees hiding a forest of unprotected marine protected areas. IMMR 2018, 5-6 July 2018, Peniche, Portugal
Keynote speaker: Status of Mediterranean marine protected areas. Mediterranean MPA forum, 29 November-1 December 2016, Tangier, Morocco.
Keynote speaker: Challenges in using human-nature interactions to better inform policy and assess management outcomes. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, 19-23 June 2016, Montpellier, France.
Keynote speaker: Progressive-Change BACIPS: a flexible approach for environmental impact assessment. International conference on Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas: Integrated Management as a Response to Ecosystem Threats. 15-17 October 2015, Ancona, Italy.
Invited seminar: Panel on Indicators of Biocultural Resilience, From Local to Global. ATBC, 12-16 July 2015, Hawaii, USA.
Keynote speaker: Marine protected areas and cooperation. Transnational Cooperation towards Enhancing Ocean Governance: Sharing experience and best practices. 8-9 June 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Keynote speaker: Social‐ecological research to reconcile human needs and biodiversity conservation. EuroMarine 1st General Assembly, 24-25 February 2015, Naples, Italy.
Keynote speaker: Best practices in MPA monitoring. MedPAN network regional experience-sharing workshops, 25-27 November 2014, Tirana, Albania.
Invited seminar: Panel on Biodiversity, Conservation and the Interface with Human Need and Greed. UNESCO International Ocean Research Conference, 17-21 November 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
Invited seminar: Symposium on Using the current state of science and law to inform the determination of baselines and ecological significance for cumulative effects assessments/effective conservation planning (to include EBM and MPAs, cumulative impacts). IMCC 3, 14-18 August 2014, Glasgow, UK.
Invited seminar: Océans, océans, quel est notre avenir. Conférence animée par Denis Cheissoux, 20 mars 2013, Perpignan, France.
Invited seminar: Working group on Coordinating Research in Support to Application of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Management Advice in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, 3-4 July 2012, Sète, France.
Invited seminar: Positive Effects of MPAs on the Mediterranean Marine Biodiversity. International Conference on Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 18-22 June 2012, Stralsund, Germany.
Invited seminar: Networks of marine protected areas: Guidelines for definition, design and evaluation. International Expert Meeting on Marine Biodiversity in the Adriatic - Towards a Representative Netwok of Marine Protected Areas in the Adriatic. 28-29 October 2010, Piran, Slovenia.
Invited seminar: Criteria and tools for the planning, establishment and management of protected marine areas for fisheries. Establishment and Management of Marine Protected Areas for Fisheries. International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) & Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM) of Spain, 8-13 March 2010, Zaragoza, Spain.
Invited seminar: Analysis of the effects of marine protected areas: Sampling designs for different objectives. Establishment and Management of Marine Protected Areas for Fisheries. International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) & Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM) of Spain, 8-13 March 2010, Zaragoza, Spain.
Invited seminar: Mediterranean marine reserves: does variable spacing result in an unplanned network? More Lessons from MPA Networking Programs Webinar, 19 October 2009.
Invited seminar: The design and ecological effects of networks of marine reserves: Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? International Marine Conservation Congress, 20-24 May 2009, Washington, DC, USA.
Keynote speaker: The seven domains of ocean sustainability. IMBeR Scientific Steering Committee Meeting, April 5 2023, Paris, France.
Keynote speaker: Avoiding the misuse of Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures in the wake of the blue economy, Fuller Symposium, November 3rd 2022.
Keynote speaker: MPAs for sustainability: From multi-zone to multi-level of protection. Western Mediterranean MPAs Conference, Palma October 27-28 2022
Keynote speaker: Une Planète, Un Océan : quels enjeux pour la conservation de la biodiversité dans les 10 ans à venir. Leçon inaugurale du cycle grands enjeux du développement durable de PSL, August 082022, Paris, France.
Keynote speaker: Accelerating Ocean Conservation and Regenerative Blue Economic Development in the WIO. UN Ocean, June 06 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
Keynote speaker: How MPAs can best contribute to fisheries sustainability. EU DG MARE Seminar of Fisheries Science. June 1 2021, Brussels, Belgium.
Keynote speaker: One Planet, One Ocean: what is at stake for the decade to come. IRBIM Annual Conference, Ancona, Italy, and online, 9-10 December 2020.
Invited Seminar: 2020 and then what? … or how to do better with (what we think) we already have. Sustainable oceans for the future: a call for a green blue deal. European Parliament, 29 January 2020, Brussels, Belgium.
Keynote speaker: 2020 et après ? Ou comment protéger efficacement l'océan. Colloque de la Task Force Océan du CNRS. 27-29 January 2020, Paris, France.
Keynote speaker: Etre ou ne pas être une AMP ?… ou pourquoi la protection forte doit être intégrale ou haute. 4ème colloque national des AMP, 22-24 octobre 2019, Biarritz, France.
Invited Seminar: Impact of climate change on fisheries and the sustainability of small island nations. Enhancing a Maritime Cooperative Relationship between France and Japan. 13-14 December 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
Keynote speaker: 10% de couverture et après ? Où quelques arbres efficaces cachent une forêt d’AMP non protégées. Protections renforcées : cartes sur table, 5-6 décembre 2018, Banyuls-sur-Mer, France.
Keynote speaker: 10% cover and then what? A few effective trees hiding a forest of unprotected marine protected areas. IMMR 2018, 5-6 July 2018, Peniche, Portugal
Keynote speaker: Status of Mediterranean marine protected areas. Mediterranean MPA forum, 29 November-1 December 2016, Tangier, Morocco.
Keynote speaker: Challenges in using human-nature interactions to better inform policy and assess management outcomes. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, 19-23 June 2016, Montpellier, France.
Keynote speaker: Progressive-Change BACIPS: a flexible approach for environmental impact assessment. International conference on Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas: Integrated Management as a Response to Ecosystem Threats. 15-17 October 2015, Ancona, Italy.
Invited seminar: Panel on Indicators of Biocultural Resilience, From Local to Global. ATBC, 12-16 July 2015, Hawaii, USA.
Keynote speaker: Marine protected areas and cooperation. Transnational Cooperation towards Enhancing Ocean Governance: Sharing experience and best practices. 8-9 June 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Keynote speaker: Social‐ecological research to reconcile human needs and biodiversity conservation. EuroMarine 1st General Assembly, 24-25 February 2015, Naples, Italy.
Keynote speaker: Best practices in MPA monitoring. MedPAN network regional experience-sharing workshops, 25-27 November 2014, Tirana, Albania.
Invited seminar: Panel on Biodiversity, Conservation and the Interface with Human Need and Greed. UNESCO International Ocean Research Conference, 17-21 November 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
Invited seminar: Symposium on Using the current state of science and law to inform the determination of baselines and ecological significance for cumulative effects assessments/effective conservation planning (to include EBM and MPAs, cumulative impacts). IMCC 3, 14-18 August 2014, Glasgow, UK.
Invited seminar: Océans, océans, quel est notre avenir. Conférence animée par Denis Cheissoux, 20 mars 2013, Perpignan, France.
Invited seminar: Working group on Coordinating Research in Support to Application of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Management Advice in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, 3-4 July 2012, Sète, France.
Invited seminar: Positive Effects of MPAs on the Mediterranean Marine Biodiversity. International Conference on Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 18-22 June 2012, Stralsund, Germany.
Invited seminar: Networks of marine protected areas: Guidelines for definition, design and evaluation. International Expert Meeting on Marine Biodiversity in the Adriatic - Towards a Representative Netwok of Marine Protected Areas in the Adriatic. 28-29 October 2010, Piran, Slovenia.
Invited seminar: Criteria and tools for the planning, establishment and management of protected marine areas for fisheries. Establishment and Management of Marine Protected Areas for Fisheries. International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) & Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM) of Spain, 8-13 March 2010, Zaragoza, Spain.
Invited seminar: Analysis of the effects of marine protected areas: Sampling designs for different objectives. Establishment and Management of Marine Protected Areas for Fisheries. International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) & Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM) of Spain, 8-13 March 2010, Zaragoza, Spain.
Invited seminar: Mediterranean marine reserves: does variable spacing result in an unplanned network? More Lessons from MPA Networking Programs Webinar, 19 October 2009.
Invited seminar: The design and ecological effects of networks of marine reserves: Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? International Marine Conservation Congress, 20-24 May 2009, Washington, DC, USA.
Positions and education
Senior Researcher (since 2018), National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) [webpage], at CRIOBE [webpage]
Researcher (2010-2018), National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) [webpage], at CRIOBE [webpage]
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2007-2010), University of Salento, [webpage], Simonetta Fraschetti [webpage]
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2006-2007), University of Perpignan [webpage], Serge Planes [webpage]; University of Florida [webpage], Craig W. Osenberg [webpage]; University of Pisa [webpage], Lisdandro Benedetti-Cecchi [webpage]
PhD (2005) [abstract] [manuscript], University of Perpignan, IFREMER
Degree (2002), University of Aix-Marseille II, University of Paris VI: Marine Environment and Ecology
Researcher (2010-2018), National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) [webpage], at CRIOBE [webpage]
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2007-2010), University of Salento, [webpage], Simonetta Fraschetti [webpage]
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2006-2007), University of Perpignan [webpage], Serge Planes [webpage]; University of Florida [webpage], Craig W. Osenberg [webpage]; University of Pisa [webpage], Lisdandro Benedetti-Cecchi [webpage]
PhD (2005) [abstract] [manuscript], University of Perpignan, IFREMER
Degree (2002), University of Aix-Marseille II, University of Paris VI: Marine Environment and Ecology